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 Liver Specialist in Delhi

Dr. Ashok Choudhury is one of pioneer in the field of liver disease from India. He has a 13+ years of experience in this field. He has treated thousands of patients for liver problem. He is a senior liver specialist and treated patients for all type of liver diseases. Liver is the largest organ of body. It fights infections, regulates blood sugar, removes toxins, controls cholesterol, making proteins and releases bile to help digestion. The problems in relation to the liver were largely ignored. With time the treatment and cure has improved for the infectious disease, but the chronic disease like that of liver, kidney, heart and neurological problems increasing. He is one of the best doctor for liver problem.

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Why Dr. Ashok is best liver specialist?

13+ Years of Experience

MBBS (Hons. Gold Medalist)

MD (Internal Medicine)

DM (Hepatology – ILBS)

Senior Doctor at  Naryana Hospital, Gurugram

Honorary Professor at KIMS